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Does PS4 ShareFactory Best The Xbox One's Video Editing Suite?

The PS4's 1.7 update has added video editing software ShareFactory. How does ShareFactory compare to what the Xbox One offers?

Published on May 1, 2014

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The video editing software ShareFactory was added in the PS4's latest update, 1.7.

We've been having a play with ShareFactory to see what options it offers, find out how easy it is to use and, ultimately, if it's any good.

The video editing options that were available on the PS4 prior to the PS4's 1.7 update were sparse to say the least, with the Xbox One offering more extensive video editing options in its Upload Studio.

With the addition of ShareFactory, though, the tables have turned. ShareFactory is not only a massive improvement for the PS4, but is far superior to what is currently being offered by the Xbox One.

ShareFactory has all the basic tools you'd expect for bog-standard video editing. You can now stitch multiple clips together, split clips, add transitions, effects and so on.

The Xbox One allows you to put multiple clips together, but only a set number and it doesn't allow you to edit the clips as one on a timeline, as is the case with ShareFactory.

ShareFactory allows you to add stickers, text and effects to video clips. In fairness, a lot of these effects and stickers will look terrible when you add them to your video, with the stickers in particular having an aura of 90s clip art about them.

There are one or two effects that you might find useful, however, and there could be uses for text in some situations.

We'd apply a similar sentiment to the transitions that are available. There are some horrific ones, but, stick to the basic ones and they will actually come in handy (check out the video below for an example of the horror that could be).

It's also worth mentioning that ShareFactory sees the PS4 catch up to the Xbox One when it comes to commentary, allowing players to add video of themselves using the PS4 camera.

ShareFactory by no means compares to professional video editing software when it comes to the options available to you and, of course, its ease of use is limited to a degree by the fact that you are using a controller.

However, once you've got the hang of it, ShareFactory proves to be a relatively easy to use and flexible software.

The number of options available to you in ShareFactory far outstrip what's available on the Xbox One and the software is much more flexible and capable when it comes to the basics.

Even if it's just a case of selecting a few gameplay clips, trimming them down, and stitching them together, the process is far easier and slicker in ShareFactory than it was on the PS4 previously, or on Xbox One with Upload Studio.

Will Microsoft look to update Upload Studio to provide Xbox One owners with more comprehensive video editing capabilities? We're certain they will. Let's wait and see if they can come back and outdo Sony's effort.