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1. Nintendo will release a redesign for the Wii U.

More akin to the move from NDS to DSi, it will freature a more sleak design and try to visually distance itself from the original Wii. It will have more internal memory and better battery life for the gamepad. May come with a free pro controller.

2. Nintendo will officially reveal it's new QOL platform. It will release in the Fall/Winter of 2015. (False - Confirmed to be revealed in January 2015)

3. Nintendo will announce a new Wii U Pokemon RPG.

Not developed by Gamefreak. It will be a spin off RPG similar in nature to Pokemon Colleseum and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, but on a grander scale. The HD "Pokken Fighters" footage was actually alpha teaser footage of the game. It hosts the "new region" teased in Pokemon X and Y.

4. Metroid 3DS and Majora's Mask will both be revealed for release this Fall/holiday season.

5. We won't see a new Metroid game for the Wii U at this year's E3.

Retro just finished Tropical Freeze and explicitely stated that they only work on one major title at a time. It's been hinted at that they'll be the one's working on the next Metroid, especially since it's recently gotten out that Sakajoke-o won't be touching it.

6. X will finally get a name and will be delayed until next year.

7. Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem will have a trailer. Delayed until next year.

8. Bayonetta 2 will be revealed to release in the summer for Japan. Fall for the West.

9. Hyrule Warriors will get an official name and release date.

10. No one will talk about Yarn Yoshi this year. Again.

11. Some new IP will be revealed. It will involve the NFC Gamepad thing, but try to distance itself from games like Skylanders and Disney Infinity.

12. Pacman will be revealed as playable characters in Super Smash Bros. during the Digital Event or during the Smash Tournament.

13. A major Wii U exclusive Smash feature will be revealed at E3, as well as what will link the two versions.

14. Wii U Zelda will be revealed and will release this Winter, either during the holidays or early 2015.

15. Star Fox Wii U will be revealed.

16. Sonic Boom will release in October for Wii U and 3DS.

17. Nintendo will reveal a new 3rd party exclusive.

18. Nintendo will reveal their "Nintendo ID" cell phone app.

Connects to Miiverse, Club Nintendo, and eshop for both 3DS and Wii U. Marks the begining of Nintendo's unified playform.