Don't really see much going on for the X1 right now. Sunset Overdrive and maybe a Fable game are really the only title I see headed for the X1 in 2014 (don't care for kinect).
Now I'm not trolling here, but lets give the XBots who claim the X1 has more gaemz a little incentive to persuade me to be a multi-console owner this gen like I was last gen.
2014 releases for PS4 exclusives...
Infamous Second Son
MLB The Show 2014
The Order 1886
Final Fantasy XIV (if titanfall counts for X1, this counts for PS4)
Planetside 2
Various other indies I don't feel like getting into right now, but you get the point...
Other than Titanfall, which I can get on my 360, the only other games that X1 can interest me with is Gears, Halo 5, and Quantum Break and all of them probably won't be out till 2015. Sunset we know nothing about really and Fable has been on a decline every release it has ever had (used to love the series). Gears is overdone and I'm about as excited for another of those like I am another God of War for similar reasons (which means not very). Both of those games would need to introduce some cleaver next gen features to refresh them again (would rather just have a new IP on both ends). As for Quantum Break, will wait for reviews. I'm not dumping 500 (or 400) into another console for one game.
Meanwhile on PS4 2015 list...
Uncharted 4
Everybody's Gone to Rapture (like Sunset, not much is known about this game)
Everquest NEXT
GG new IP
Santa Montica IP (please not another GoW)
In terms comparison to the competition, X1 doesn't have much to offer in number or quality when compared to the PS4 (especially since the best version of multiplats will also be on the PS4 as well). However there is E3 coming up, and that is where we will see a change if any as both MS and Sony have new projects to announce.
I really want to want an X1, but there just isn't enough on the horizon for me to justify it right now (especially since I also play third pary games, therefore I already have enough to look forward in terms always having something to play) so if I forgot something, please point it out.