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The game hasn't released for retail in Japan yet, but somehow VGC has it as selling 30,000. I'm guessing that's people getting the fit meter? If I recall, buying the fit meter means you get to keep the free version permanently. Also, perhaps VGC is only counting actual physical retail copies bought, and not counting the fit meter. If that's the case, it's possible that very few people have bought the retail game because it's way, way cheaper to get the fit meter and download a free version. I for one haven't seen a Wii Fit U commercial, so it's also possible that no one knows the game exists. Regardless, it's definitely going to be tricky for VGC to track it. A lot of people are probably still using the free trial version, and a lot of people probably taking advantage of the free copy you can get with the fit meter. Sales might pick up a bit once the free versions are no longer available, which will be after January 31st.