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1 - Better use of worldwide space.

Get rid of the useless "city" actual model and begin to construct much more enlarged city, with way, way larger space. So everybody could be owner of big houses for almost nothing and could have bigger space to live with their families. We don't need the actual model, people can communicate all the way they want, information circulate easily, technology is upthere to make up for the lacks of proximity in the production of goods and service.

Plus we are 7 to 8 billion people on earth, we need much more SPACE than our old fashion cities can provide. Really it would make everyone happier, and the life being much more bearable. 

2 - With 1 in mind, end of the society of consumption regarding food.

Learn to eat, and eat what you really need. Eat what come from your garden the most you can. That will stop over use of ressource and stop health and obesity problems.