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I'll have to go back to the overrated thread I made to add Mass Effect. Forgot about it when posting that.

I never did complete the first one because the overall gameplay is garbage. Same as above, The storyline was decent, the dialogue was good, but the whole randomness of wh. I became a Spectre, but it wasn't too long after that I quit, and it wasn't just because driving on the surface of planets. The reason I quit was because it was an incredibly poorly done third person shooter. A cover system that didn't work well, both allies and enemies were the most stupid AI I've seen in a video game, the RPG-like third person shooting system made it so you could have the target centered on the enemy yet miss over 50% of the shots you took, etc. This game scored as high as it did simply because it was an exclusive and nothing more. I wanted to finish the game because it was going to get a very low review score from me, but I couldn't stand playing the game any longer so never did finish.