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I don’t know if we can consider Super Mario 64 as an open world game, but I think Super Mario Sunshine is more consistent with that definition because of the city and entire worlds to explore. Our main standpoint with Super Mario is to ensure that players always know where to go.

It’s for this reason that we have given great importance on the placement and visibility of the flags, particularly in Super Mario 3D World . Again, as creators, we want a large number of people to be able to play and enjoy the game, so it’s sort of our duty to ensure that the objectives are clear to everyone. However, if a very large number of players expressed the desire for a more open Mario, we would take that request very seriously.


I say they should go for it, a more open-world like Super Mario game. EAD Tokyo has done 4 linear styled games already, I think they should try out something new. We've never seen them tackle an open-world Mario game, and I'd love to explore the lands of Mushroom Kingdom. You heard Koizumi-san, let's express our desire to have a more open Mario game (those who want it).