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This thread is bit my response is long winded and touches on various aspects.


The byproduct of the globalization of the world is less diversity as culture becomes increasingly homogenized. The big example is spoken languages in the world and how many smaller (typically tribal) languages are dying out within a few generations as more common languages such as English and Spanish are taken up as more useful in commerce and general society.

On race much of how you view it depends on the weight you place on it tied to culture. If you view culture as being something innate in a people based on genetics and if you view that culture as having value or being endangered.

The challenge here is culture does change, that is the one absolute of it. It changed from monarchs to republics across Europe and has changed in all sorts of ways since. Some of these cultural byproducts have been great, while others have been dark chapters in history. I think the reason race was never brought into it was because it simply did not exist in great numbers to be used as to why it was changing. When the person you disagree with looks like you racially you simply say "the left" or "the right" view rather than seeing it as some sort of genetic attribute.

One only need to look at US waves of immigrants to see how this can be adjusted. The Irish were white, yet seen as a threat to anglo cultural supremacy. Often discriminated against in employment the Irish essentially did immigrate and populate to the point that they ran aspects of life in cities such a Boston. Then the black diaspora form the south with agricultural mechanization to places like Chicago saw people in fear of how that would affect culture so they were discriminated against in examples such as property scams preying on white fears. Now, in modern times the fear is the hispanic influx particularly in the southwest.

The point is, yes, culture did change because of these groups. One only ask the native tribes of the Americas how much Europe changed the culture with overwhelming numbers and disease over course of centuries. The issue is if the mind feels safe because "your side" is the cause of the change and not one being affected may ask yourself why that is.

Personally I feel no sense of "whiteness" (have a vague sense of being "western") even though I am told by friends I am "the whitest guy they know" which I think is way of complimenting my dancing prowess. This is in part because the general culture of 98% white I grew up in did not reflect my own values and in part because no one decides what they are and from my experience labels are used to divide and manipulate us against the "them!" boogey man.

As to why the population is declining I think my anecdote is clear example as my ancestors went from poor farmers with a dozen kids to achieving middle class status and having 0-2. I am 28, by my age my great grandpa had five children on the farm. I have zero and might have a few sometime in my 30s. Personally I am glad my parents waited and had only 2 children as my standard of living benefited greatly from it. I echo others in saying I hope world population levels out soon and begins declining as successive generations could be facing serious resource issues barring massive break through in technology I am not aware of.

Now, I am not saying there are not aspects of society I value. I value free expression and tolerance for others. So if those were threatened (and they have been in every culture) I would not be concerned as to the race of the person doing it.


Again, sorry if that was sort of all over the place as this thread took on a life and went various directions so might be a bit muddled in my thinking.