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"This game runs like a dog" is generally an insult, but what if your game lets you play as a dog? Chatting to OXM as part of a feature you'll read in our latest issue, on sale Friday, Infinity Ward's executive producer Mark Rubin has said a bit more about the visual gulf between the current gen and Xbox One versions of Call of Duty: Ghosts.


As revealed by Eurogamer in June, the game runs at 60 frames per second in 1080p. "We actually have a 4K TV at work and got the game running on that," Rubin told the site at the time. "It looks phenomenal. The 4K TVs have a max hertz of 30, so we're maxing it out. It looks amazing!"

Speaking to us at Gamescom in August, Rubin reiterated that "it'll definitely look better". "Graphically I still love when we're playing in the office, when we play on Xbox One - you go up to a brick wall and you can see all the geometry of the bricks," he mused. "Even the little tiny cracks - you can see the geometry. It catches my eye, sometimes, even when we're in the middle of a firefight. It's like 'ooh, pretty'.


"For the Xbox One you're obviously looking at fantastic-looking graphics, super-smooth play," he continued. "We're pushing the limits on current gen, always - we're maxed out on everything from memory to processing power. I think we do a great job of doing that while still coming out with 60 frames a second. But with Xbox One I feel like we've got a lot to work with, and I'm really excited about where we push that in the future.

"In general the Xbox One looks fantastic," Rubin went on. "I love the new controller, actually, I think the new sticks are amazing. I love that the battery pack's not right under your fingers." 

Among the graphical tricks that aren't possible on Xbox 360 is a process known as sub-division rendering (in brief, this draws in additional polygons and triangles when you zoom on an object, so it doesn't appear angular). Getting the game's spruced-up audio working on Xbox 360 has been "tough", according to Rubin. "For a while I wasn't sure if it was going to make it," he confessed to OXM in September.

Read more about the game's impressive redesigned AI here, or read my thoughts on the game's map deformation system, which probably won't give Battlefield 4 a run for its money.