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Nem said:
ktay95 said:
Nem said:
To be honest, the only way we will get great sounding tracks like in the 16 bit and 32 bit era is if the composers draw back on the number of channels they have.
Unlike graphics, music seems to get worse the more technology advances. Somehow they dont seem to get that too many sounds just get filtered as noise to our brains instead of melodies.
Most JRPG's have crappy soundtracks where they used to great in the past. The only exception is Nier.

What are you on about. Modern soundtracks are amazing and epic. They simply arent as memorable and catchy because our brain isnt good at remebering so many diverse noises. That dosent mean the quality is gone.

If its being filtered as trash and not beeing remembered i question your assumption. What is good music? The one our brain enjoys and memorises or the one we forget cause its filtered by the brain as noise?

Memorises ≠ Good

I can forget a song I enjoy over time

My brain however memorises shit like Friday by Rebbeca Black.

Good music is good music weather it has a cathy memorable beat or not.