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kupomogli said:

Devil May Cry was the first, and God of War is pretty much a DMC clone, but Dante's Inferno copied God of War and not DMC.  Take everything that God of War added in and how Kratos did it, then swap it with Dante from Dante's Inferno as it was the exact same thing.  Broken walls that you could climb up turned into bodies on the wall that you could climb up.  In Athens where Kratos traverssed the rope with his hands, Dante did the same in Gluttony(?,) the dodge roll using the right analog, the QTE kills when enemies got close to death, doors opened the same where you repeatedly hit o, and the treasure boxes were replaced with fountainss of life, magic, or souls which you again repeatedly hit o to acquire them.  If you held trianglee, Kratos would whip them up with his blades and if you kept holding he would follow the enemy up where in Dante's Inferno he would slam the spear downward to knock the enemies upward the exact same way, kept holding the button he would automatically follow them up for a follow up combo, exactly like God of War.  There's other s tuff too, but you get the idea.  You could literally replace Kratos with Dante and no one wouldn't believe that it wasn't God of War.   

Dante's Inferno had a better storyline and better gameplay though.  Where the gameplay in God of War was blande and boring in comparison.  I mean come on.  Square x 1-4 and then Triangle was nothing more than the exact same attack that's slightly more powerful across three different games and Kratos didn't have much else beyond L1 + X, L1 + Square, some other stuff, etc.  Even if you were using the Death's Scythe, Dante's Inferno's combat system was just more diverse, as it copied a bit of how God of War worked everything then they added a lot mroe to it.  Then when you add the cross into the mix, while I'll agree is a bit overpowered in comparison to the Scythe, you had far more verssatility in combat than all the God of War titles combined, even if you add the meager offerings the extra weapons in God of War brought to the table.

Visceral ripped off the God of War series and made a much better game.  God of War is an incredibly overrated Playstation franchise.  I might be a Playstation fanboy but I call it as I see it.  I'm not going to praise every game a company releases just because I prefer that company's games.   If you look at my trophy list you'll see I played and completed the first three God of War titles, even platinumed the first one, so it's not that I didn't play enough of them, they're just not the games Playstation fans make them out to be.

I figured you meant God of War because it is a shameless rip off of the game, but God of War still far exceeds what Dantes Inferno is.  I loved the game but it wasn't even close to God of War in terms of being a great game.  Its not the games fault that you couldnt find more diverse attacks to use in God of War.  And to say that the additional weapons offered very little in combat shows you really dont know what you are talking about, considering they all had a complete move list that was as large as his original weapons.  Then you add the various magic powers the you got from Gods and its becomes a far more diverse weapon and moves list than what Dante's Inferno had.  Which as you said, had one weapon and a cross. 

And also while he isnt a great character, Kratos is still a better character than Dante was. And to say they are interchangable is pretty ignorant.   And the story of the God of War games were far better as well.  When you say that they are just not the games Playstation fans make them out to be, it sounds like you are bitter towards Playstation fans and what they like or just Playstation in general. And your claims that playing it give validity to your comments is quite BS.  Chanecs are you were never intereted in the games and played them just to say you played them so you could trash them.  Games like God of War arent as critically acclaimed as they are and be completely replaceable by a game thats a shameless rip off of it.