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**I know, the graphic looks like a middle finger**


After learning about the changes in Xbox One's always-online and used game policies, did you change your mind about which next gen game console will be of your choice?



As of 7:30 PM with 326 votes in total, It may seem that the change of policies from Microsoft did not change people's perception of the nex-gen consoles very drastically, as around 10% of the participants have the Xbox One as their first console of choice, around 72% also didn't change their mind and they will stick with the PS4 and around 6% will rather have their Wii U. These results are very consistent with other polls out there.

Only around 6% did actually change their first console of choice from the PS4 to the Xbox One, which is a pretty modest amount. If we add this to the other 10% that had already decided to get an Xbox One anyway, we have that around 16% prefers the Xbox One over the PS4. It may not seem big, but the Xbox One now has around 60% more preference over PS4 than before (went up from around 10% in other polls to 16% in this one).

What's most interesting is that many people in the comments mention that they would have never bought an Xbox One if Microsoft hadn't changed their policies and now they might buy one someday when the system is cheaper as their second console of choice after the PS4. It seems then that the change of policies from Microsoft might benefit them more in the long term as a second console, but not as a replacement of the PS4. From the comments I can also note that many people still have a very negative perception of the Xbox brand and Microsoft overall.