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Kazunori Yamauchi on Gran Turismo 6 and beyond

"We've updated the physics engine, we've updated the rendering engine, we've updated the suspension models. That's all good news for GT5 users, but I think if you try the version on the show floor right now you'll realize that going from the top menu screen you can immediately go into a race seamlessly without it stopping for loading times," Yamauchi explained. "That's something we really worked hard for, so that the UI is smooth and quick. That's something that I think GT5 users will really appreciate."

"Yes, we have things in the works." [laughs] "I think we might be ready to announce more things at gamescom."

"We mentioned it a little bit at the Silverstone announcement a few weeks ago but we want to affect more industries outside of just the game world, and we're setting up a lot of collaborations with a lot of different game companies right now, as we speak," Yamauchi reminded. "I think those are some of the most interesting things coming up for GT6."

Yamauchi responded, "After launch we'll continue to update [GT6] and it will grow as a game. Also, a lot more things are coming for it. Once players have kind of played out the features of Gran Turismo 6 and they're satisfied with the game, that's the point when we'll release the next Gran Turismo." 

He smiled: "It shouldn't be a very long time."