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What i want to know is how much we get for a used game sell and how much they will cost, because what the rumors say is that we get 1 or 2 dollars/euros for a sold game and the retailer gets a 5 euro cut and the rest is going to the publisher. I still think they are hiding pertinent information and i am 100% sure that this is a trap.
Want to lend games to your friends? No dice.
You can sell your new game once for an undisclosed ammount that is probably not gonna be worth it. If you buy a used game, you cant resell it, it virtually becomes trash.
Most important of all, publishers are beeing given the choice to apropriate themselves of revenue that isnt theirs by right. I call that theft.

At least your whole family doesnt have to buy the same game anymore.

Still, not buying this in a million years.