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You forgot to add the British in to the mix, the atrocities caused by them for centuries is staggering, and their overall genocide was far beyond the Nazi extent.

That being said, the only group I truly use the word "hate" for is the Oil Industry. It was the Oil Industry in the early 70s who decided (along with the banks' efforts) to create a sharp increase in the price of oil, which in turn caused massive inflation. Ever wonder why your grandparents could buy a meal for 25 cents, and you pay $5 for that same meal? Thank the oil industry. You upset about terrorism from middle eastern extremists? Most of their funding comes from the oil industry. Who is holding you at gunpoint, ripping your hard earned cash from your pockets with price increases? The oil industry. Who is buying all the patents for alternate fuel and clean air technologies? The oil industry.

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey