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Make-shift quote because apparently the quote code goes wonky on my device:
Ghutto: "Do you think Heterosexuality can be "cured"?"

No, because it's the norm and homosexuality is abnormal! That's why virtually all animals in the animal kingdom have been recorded to engage in "homosexual activity"!

And homosexuality is a choice! Why wouldn't they want to subject themselves to social stigma and a lack of rights?

Wait, homosexuality is a mental condition and "gay reparative therapy" cures it! That's why every study on the subject shows that it doesn't and the "therapy" is psychologically traumatic!

Screw logic and science, I have a book! (Or, more accurately, a bunch of like-minded folks in a logicless vacuum who pick-and-choose passages and misconstrute the meaning of said book, and then go on paranoia-fueled tirades against people who may or may not commit this one sin specifically).

 In memory of Topless Avatars Pertaining to Hotness and Titilation (TAPTHAT).

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