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Michael-5 said:
wfz said:
What does "normal" mean? It's not normal in the sense that we are "supposed" to be attracted to the opposite sex in order to procreate and keep our species alive. In that case it's kind of the opposite of normal. Then again, maybe it is normal because it acts as some sort of minor population control mechanism since not everyone has the desire to procreate? :P

Anyways, it could be changed. Anything about us humans can be changed.

Is Altzeimers normal? Is Depression Normal? Is Schizophrenea Normal?

They occur randomly in a small percentage of the population, but is it normal? If it were normal, why would we search for treatments to these normal occurances?

Do you agree that the above 3 are disorders? Do you agree that they affect a persons freedom and ability to make decisions?

Is Homosexuality any different?



Altziermers makes you incapable of memory, and forces you to live a certain way. Deperession forces you to always be gloomy, and not able to enjoy yourself as much as your mind would like it to. Schizophrenea alters your sense of what's real, which makes you make decisions which are bizarre. Does homosexuality not prevent you from heterosexual relationships? For those wishing to live Heterosexual lives, does it not restrict their freedoms?

What a terrible argument.

Alzheimer's disease is a lethal condition. Seeking treatment can prolong death. Depression can lead to suicide, and treating depression can literally save lives. Schizophrenia can endanger the patient and those around him or her (not to mention the fact that it is a terrible, painful thing to watch happen, which I can attest to from experience).

And your "being gay precludes being straight" argument is just ludicrous. What about those who are bisexual? What about people with red hair, isn't there 'condition' precluding them from growing black hair?