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I think they'll be fine with it.

Just distract them with military ads during football games and other sporting events and have the Department of Defe... err... Offense fund a ton of hollywood films for their consumption.

Turn the populace into a bunch of jingos and tell them social programs are a necessary sacrifice in order to "protect Amuurka".

spurgeonryan said:

Clinton greatly reduced dependence on Welfare in America during his second term in office. The country is still here. Now Medicare is being cut, and America is struggling to afford other programs. Would everything be alright if 90%-100% of socialistic programs were shut down?


Maybe we should?  Better than cutting defense. Other countries are just biding their time for when we do. Guarrantee it!

PRWORA and TANF had/have their own issues though... Clinton nuetered welfare but it was short-sighted.

Cutting "defense" is actually what's needed.