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I wouldn't say he is evil and created for God to put the blame on.

Satan was the favorite among Gods creations which made him arrogant and when God told his angels and Satan to bow to Adam (pbuh) he rejected. why should fire bow down to mud he asked. it was just unacceptable to him! In Islam he is not even an angel though he is made of fire like the Jinn while the angels are made of light and unlike the angels who have no free will all the Jinn do including Satan and that is why he by his on choice chose not to bow to Adam and obey God.

After God created Adam (pbuh) he created Eve. anyway long story short God told them not to eat from the fruit of a tree he pointed out. Satan saw this as an opportunity to make them do wrong so he made the tree desirable like the devil is so good at. so they finely disobeyed God and even though God forgave them for the their sin he told them that they will live on Earth until they die. Satan wanted to show God how many people he will make sin and wanted to live on Earth until the day of judgment. So God accepted this and allowed him to do so.

This was all Satan's choice just like we choose to do good and wrong. He just makes the things we want and are not allowed to do more desirable.

God will not blame Satan for what he is doing lol he could easily remove him from existence if he wishes! in the end ever human will only have themselves to blame for the actions they take!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(