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Andir said:
Kasz216 said:
CrashMan said:
Grey Acumen said:
catprog said:
Grey Acumen said:

2) God proves beyond your ability to deny that he exists. You now no longer have any choice but to believe that he exists. You've given up your free will.

You could still believe in something less likely (I.e you were hyponised you to see what is described).

Therefore free will is mantained.

Please read properly


There is always those who believe what is beyond the ability of a rational person to deny. There is still to this day a group of strict biblical interpretests called the flat earth society that believe, since the bible says jesus ascended to heaven, there must be an absolute up and an absolute down, and therefore the earth is flat. All those telling you its round are lying or lack all faith, and all effects that seem to show you that the earth is round with your senses are optical illusions.

There is always a choice to deny, but if truely knowing something to be true takes away free will we are all screwed. Do you exist? Well yes I KNOW I have to exist because I am experiencing this right now (though I am not sure i completely agree with that proof either.) Any way, you no longer have a choice to believe that you exist so therefore you don't have free will. Utter nonsense.

Do you really know you exist? Couldn't you just as eaisly be a computer simulation? Some character in a computer simulated world programmed for research or entertainment? Plenty of people actually do believe this. That it's highly likely they don't really exist and are a computer simulation.

The theory being that eventually we would become smart enough to create computers that can re-create human brains, and after that entire worlds, and even then universes.

If this did happen, there would be a crapload of such computers, and only one "real" reality. Therefore mathematically, scientifically and logically there is very high chance we are all really just fake computer programs living inside a computer and that we don't really exist.

Let me run with this idea. We are a simulation based off a real world. (ie: The Matrix...whatever) There is a creator, a programmer who acheived the ability to control brain function and thought. We are all stuck in a machine... praising this creator, a false god.. since in this reality, the programmer could also be in a machine and have their own pre-proposed "God." It could go on indefinately. So how can it be so certain that Earth's God is THE God? We have no proof to state otherwise and we have no proof to support it, except a book written many thousands of years ago and translated by humans.

Every play telephone? It's where you whisper something in one person's ear, let them whisper what they heard in someone else's ear and it continues around the room. Invariably what comes out the other end is all messed up and incorrect, but everyone in that line believes it is the true meaning because that is what they were told, even though they interpreted it in their own way. This is what the Bible is to me. A game of telephone. I believe it started out as a moral story to guide a village. To give them rules to live by and stories to draw experience from. It was used, not just to control, but as a guide to the type of community some wise man once wanted. He never imagined that some of those children who heard the tale would pass it on to their children or carry it to the next town and tell the stories, but they did. Through the many campfire stories of this tale it became twisted by people into a religion. Eventually someone wrote it down and called it the Bible.

So now, I have this belief. Is it right, or is it wrong? Many here would say I'm wrong, but do you have proof? Do I have proof that it was that way? I can say, this wise man only wanted the best for his village. He wanted people to love each other and maintain civility. Anyone wishing to not accept this ruling was free to go to the next town and not be loved. Of course, they took this message with them, probably twisted it and told it the way that they seemed fit. Does this sound familiar? Sure. I just took all your beliefs of God and placated them onto an old wise man just looking to be appreciated and loved. Somehow being the creator of the story that many people inherited, turned into him being the creator... of the human race.

Some of you would think this makes me a child, or a mental deficient... but does it really? Is it hard to accept that matter has existed for millenia? If there was a creator of this material, is it so hard to accept that that person is no longer with us? I give some of you credit for coming up with the idea that you will be loved after death for leading a good life. It keeps people in line. But is it the truth?


You are close, but you missed gthe point. Also you fail in the fact that you think I am solely argueing for the Christian god. When I am in fact argueing that a god logically exists.

Basically it is logical to assume we are actually very close to havingthe ability to be able to recreate the universe and the people in it... or even more eaisly create different universes with sentient people.

If we did it basically would mean we would make several of these worlds, even if it was deemed "illegal" it's likely several of these worlds would be created as the research value along is amazing. Though if not illegal there would be thousands of reasons for this... even interactive videogames.

So. It is extremely likely that we are infact computer simulations. Would you not say? The odds on it are staggeringly high unless you believe in something like god stopping people from creating their own computer generated universes. (which you obviously don't.)

As such, the person who created this universe is in fact god. He created this universe out of virtual nothingness. How would he not be god. There is no "fake" about it. He created the universe and he could do whatever he wanted with it. Even have computer generated "afterlifes" to save the "souls" of people who fit his criteria. Or even ones that punish ones he didn't like.

Logically even if "Reality Prime" has no god. It's infinitly likely that our reality does. So it seems downright silly to say "There is no god". At best all you can say is "We don't know who he is."

Sure he could just be some future guy.  Or even on of us working through a virtual avatar or any number of other things, even a guy who has never touched this program once.  However, there would be a god.  The guy who created everything.