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tbone51 said:

Godchild1020 said:
The original is what started it for me and nothing can beat the original. The first 151 pokemon were/are the best. I still enjoy Gold/Sliver and Ruby/Sapphire. After that I feel like the series went down hill, I still enjoy Pokemon XD on the Gamecube from time to time.

Hopefully Gen 6 on 3DS can make a huge comeback ( Great game quality and pokemon just like first 2 gens). If they do it right it can be a bigger hit than gen 4 and 5

I hope Gen 6 makes a comeback, I bought every Pokemon game to date and I won't say I wasn't satisfied, but it's nothing like the first 2 Generations. The first Gen bought the first 151 memorable Pokemon and Gen 2 brought the first time we seen two regions and 16 badges.

I just hope, I won't say the obvious a year from now once Gen 6 comes out for the 3DS. Which, would be the first time they added 3D to a non spin-off Pokemon game. Has anyone played the 3DS Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game yet, is it out?

I hope there is some connectivity between the Wii U and the 3DS.