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I have a demon fetish. I like Shin Megami Tensei. I now own a Nintendo DSi XL partially due to the Shin Megami Tensei series not counting the Shin Megami Tensei games on my PSP and PS2. I like twisted Survival Horror games such as Silent Hill, Siren, and Fatal Frame. I enjoy both JRPG's and WRPG's where magic and pagan deities play an important role. I admire quality games with strong female leads such as the Metroid series. With that said, the Fear Factor series was one of my favorite series with blatant sexual overtones. I loved playing Catherine. Yet, Jesus Christ is my Savior so, yes, I'm a Christian. Also, I'm a Deacon in the PCA (Presbyterian Church of America) which happens to be one of the more conservative branches of the Protestant denomination. It's no secret that I enjoy and play video games, and I'm not ashamed to express that to those around me, as well as fellow church members, my tastes in video games. In fact, I was asked by several church memebers to please accept the nomination to eldership of the church the next time officer nomination comes around.  Now, you go figure that one out given my love for "evil" video games.