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Hi guys, there are a lot of threads with bullshit arguments and numbers trying to obfuscate the new  GT5's slogan "IT'S OVER 9000!"... so I'm here to show the truth and leave as future reference this thread of the most  beloved sim racing game in the planet.

First sales...


  • The official GT5 shipped sales with 1 year and 10 months is 9,190m and VGC estimate sales is 7,906m for the same time frame... UNDERTRACKED!!!
  • The official GT5:P shipped sales with 1 year and 10 months is 5,350m and VGC estimate sales is 4,100m for the same time frame... UNDERTRACKED!!!
  • There is a DIGITAL VERSION OF GT5-P.
  • GT5 is the fastest selling GT ever in Asia and Europe.
  • GT5 is selling ON PAIR with GT4 in US.
  • GT5 is selling WAY LOWER than any GT in Japan.
  • GT5 is not heavly bundled like Forza or GT3.
  • GT5 is tracking ABOVE GT4 in the same timeframe.
  • GT5 userbase is over 8 million today and growing... Forza series userbase is near 3 million.
  • GT5 + GT5-P sold more units than all Forza in this generation.
  • GT5 don't have spin-offs.


  • The driving physics is developed from wheel to controller... so equal physics for every input device without advantage to controller... the precision and handcaps is the same for all.
  • The gratesst wheel-FFB for any sim racing game in the world... the people here is serious about the "simulation" aspect.
  • Multiplayer is the strongest part of any GT game... GT5 have the most vast options for MP than any other sim racer in the market... only options that really matter to "simulation" aspect... the player are serious and organized.
  • GT5 have consequences of ownership/usage of cars... it's unique... after you buy a car you have consequences, so you car get old, you need to change parts, the engine became weak, the fuel-consuption became worst, deterioration tire too, you have to change the oil, etc... after you buy a car it never will be new again (except in Arcade and Free Run mode)... the physics change while you learn how to use your car IT's AWESOME... that's the most important part of GT and one of the uniques features praise by all players because NO OTHER GAME in the market do that.
  • GT5 have a sub-engine for variable weather... the real-time calculations of on-track temperature/air humidity/air temperature/air pressure change everything in the game... you need to learn how to drive in these circuntances all the time because the way to drive the car is always different in each second... that's a extremely important part of the overall realism factor.
  • The tracks are near perfection when compared to real ones... even imperfections appear in the game... the size of the track and cars are near the real (no bullshit like Forza with widen tracks to make the easy to drive).
  • The Premiums cars are in another league... no other sim racing came close to what GT5 archived... even the most the smallest detail is reproduced.
  • GT5's AI is better than any console racing sim except Forza 3.
  • The post launch support is EPIC!!!

There are a lot of other features that make GT5 unique and better than any other similar game in the market.


PS. I'm at work now so at night I will post more features and facts....