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Stefl1504 said:
DarkThanatos said:
Stefl1504 said:
Okay, I am back from my ban, I somehow calmed down by ~21%, at least enough to not personally insult players every single post I make, I am sorry for the insults.

I really needed this ban to keep my sanity.

Oh, DT, I want some other information from you. I will get to answer your questions on by one, but I found some stuff I want explaination from you too. I am not going to bother you with the more recent stuff though, but with early game stuff, like I already pointed out, you kept your vote on radish since the very first post you made. Well, I want to know if you never analysed radish and just kept your vote there because it was convinient.

Let us get a bit deeper into things. After mario and trucks both voiced their suspicion about me, you appearantly choose to decide I am scum, the worst offence you made then, was to call me out for getting back at you with my vote, when I already FoSed you already several pages earlier.

Then I am still missing on your explanation on when exactly I said there is a lynch train on me (this was also in zeros resoning), also, you never came back at me for claiming that you put words in my mouth.
^I will point at this post again, it was directed at zero back then, when he claimed I said there was a lynch on me.

Now to get to answering DarkT, except for the ridiculous blocked thus scum part, because this reasoning was the only thing that made me so angry in the first place, it wasn't that players pushed for me, or which players, it is just this single part of faulty logic, people are riding on... and here I am getting more angry again by thinking about it...

Also, lol at the claim that a 12 hour self-ban is trying to evade questions, you know DarkT, the question don't get away just because I am banned for some hours. (btw. it looked like the ban only lasted ~8 hours)

@Bolded Your FoS was 4 days earlier, and then suddenly you vote for me with no reason or justification other then "YOU ARE SCUM". I don't see why calling that out is bad.

@ Underlined - already given- "

to save my own arse, means, that by any possibility that a lynch train is really forming 

A lynch train on me could form fast with how many people have voiced their suspicion on me 

^You said you held off voting Radish to save your own arse. You also said " The weird thing is that not more people are jumping on me so far"

which gives the impression you were expecting a lynch train on you. 

@Italic-ed -I thought I did- but here is the post I am saying that some roles are relatively weaker compared to others. You then say that all roles are equally useful for their team, which to me means you were implying I didn't think some roles were useful. Words in my mouth was not the strongest phrase I could have used- misquoting me would be a better term. 

@Bold and Italic-ed You are right, but it does give you 8 hours more to think about your response, find counter-points and generally stop yourself from slipping up and revealing if you are scum. It also gives you time to talk to scummates in a QT and discuss your responses. It is a massive safety net for you. You could be evading questions by  getting scummates to write responses in the QT for all I know. 

1) Yes, I expected more people to jump on me, but that does not mean that I claimed there is a lynch train on me. @underline, no, that is not what I would call sufficiant, I am still waiting on me saying, "guys there is a lynch train going on on me, stop it" or something similar.

2) @italic, you should reread, and comprehend, then do it over and over again, until you do see what I really posted, then reread and comprehend what you said and then, try to analyse again. Because I agreed on you that roles are weaker than others, but added to that, that every role can be equally usefull to your team, which you then interpreted as putting words in your mouth, which I didn't. If a player with comprehensive abilities comes too the same result upon reading this, I will retract this statement openly, admiting that I was in the wrong and put words into your mouth. Also, read the italic part again, it should also be comprehended better by you.

3) @bitalic, yes, I indeed needed the time to get my responses to a normal, contributive level again. Please point out slip-ups, I am interpreting this that I have made some while I was raging like a two-year-old not getting a lolly. (If I am misinterpreting, please point it out, I don't want to put words in your mouth) I sadly have no QT, otherwise I would rage in there instead of in here.

4) @bold, yes, my FoS was 4 days earlier, it still held value though, and it was actually the reason why I voted you again today, because while I was searching for your vote on radish, I noticed it once again.

5) Finally, please, answer about radish, and don't just ignore the inconvinient parts.

1) - Dont expect that post because you never gave it and you know it. My point still stands though, you mentioned a lynch train on yourself like you were seriously considering it 3 times in half an hour. I call that sufficient, and clearly Zero thought the same.

2) I have already stated it was not my strongest point. You did put change the meaning of my phrases, or feign ignorance as to what I meant several times in that converstaion bit, meaning i had to clarify 3 or 4 times though. 

3) No- that is not at all what I am saying. I am saying your rage was mostly a sham to get yourself banned. This was to stop you making slip ups when i started to question you. 

4) So you noticed it once again when looking through... clearly that was so important that you remembered it, considering that your revenge vote on me was only 1 day ago. Funny, that you can remember it for 4 days and start a vote when I am barely interacting with you- but when we are clashing all the time and i am at the front of your mind- you forget it. 

5) I believe I didn't ignore anything. The only bit I did was the Radish part and that's because i thought it was a joke. I did a huge couple of posts about Radish. I kept him on my scum list throughout as well. It was not just left there for convienience. It is hardly inconvient to put a new line and write unvote.

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