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Looking at the best-selling charts today, mainly on Amazon and Gamestop, I noticed the PS3 version coming out on top on Amazon. (PS3 right below 360 version on Gamestop). On Amazon the PS3 version stands at #60, while the 360 version is all the way at #79. Why such a large gap? While writing this thread, it came to results. Go to Amazon and search for "Grand Theft Auto" or "Grand Theft Auto V", what to you see? PS3 version of GTAV at #1, no 360 version in sight! I've experienced this before but with PS3 versions of games not showing up in search results....what about you guys? 

Update: Amazon UK also has PS3 version ahead of 360 version on the chartz.

The reason I'm opening up this lame thread is to ask you guys if you've had a similar situation occur to you before, and if it has influenced your purchase decision. Also, what are the chances of the PS3 version outselling the 360 version on launch week? It's been 4 years since the release of GTA IV, PS3 version has been selling better than 360 ever since 2009.(according to VgChartz data). PS3 version is only a couple hundred thousand away from 360 version.(very impressive for a AAA franchise) PS2 owners have upgraded to an HD console. What are the chances that a large part of that GTA demographic is on the PS3? Am I just dreaming or could this actually be possible? If Sony could secure an exclusive launch bundle and/or timed-exclusive DLC I'd say it can be done.