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"You raise an interesting poi nt. About 15 years ago I saw this TV program that studied gay behaviour and gay parents. Please don't ask me to reference it as I do not remember what it was.

What it discovered (assuming it wasn't altered results) is that 8/10 gay couples who adopted children ended up with a child who turned out to be gay when they become older.

Now was this genetics or simply influence like in a straight family where children learn that straight is the norm in their house hold? also jsut like racists a taught to be racist and not born racist."

It would be influence, if a child were to grow up in a gay household surrounded by gay men it would only be a normal way of life for him, it would be all he would know for the most part so obviously the odds of him ending up gay is gonna be higher than a person from a normal family.

I don't think genetics are a huge part in it really, people are just attracted to different kinds of people, some like blondes some like red heads, some like asians and some just like men, it's just a matter of taste.

I think people that have noticed they are attracted to the same sex should at least try and fight it, they definitley shouldnt be encouraged, being gay is not something to be proud of, life isnt created from it and it just spreads disease. They do themselves no favours by being so obviously gay thats why theres most of the hate for them..

It's one thing to like men but theres no need to put on the silly voice, where the silly clothes and have the exaggerated female mannerisms, they're still men.


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