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This is weird.  The discussion was about Paul Ryan, who is consider one of the core Republicans pushing GOP agenda, and Objectivism, and then suddenly Obama comes up and is the core of the discussion?  What is this?  Don't want to have focus somewhere, so discuss Obama?


This is absurd.  The answer to a discussion regarding one political party can't be, "But so is the other side..." and the point is what, that it is right or something?  The Democratic party hardly does the same level of wrapping itself, and hasn't tried to court the Evangelical vote.  Jesus comes out sometimes, but not in the same way as the GOP side.  


Put the focus back on the issues discussed at least, like Objectivism.  I see people express it in various forms on here.  Now would be a good place to defend it or refute it actually.  You know, like show how it actually is validated by Christianity.  And focusing on this would be helpful, because it looks like the GOP has had to tone down the Rand cheerleadering.  It could become a wedge issue.  You actually see it with Paul Ryan, and you have others trying to play it up: