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America can be a sad place sometimes. Blacks and whites still hating each other is becoming less and less common. These assaults happen all the time on different occasions but we can say it's because these people are savages and has nothing to do with their skin color.

There are a lot of gruesome crimes commited by white people yet we don't label them all as being criminals by nature still a lot of people see stupid people with black sckin doing stupid things is enough to put us all in the same basket.

Bad things happened in America, will I hold grudge to my roomate which is white because some white idiots did bad things to some black guy? 3 years ago two police officers killed an underaged kid here in Montreal and nothing happened to them, should I label all white people savage murderers that will get nothing if they kill immigrants? Are all white kids going to shoot in schools?

There are idiots all over the world and should be treated like idiots and stop this racial thing once and for all.