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Socom 1 and 2 are in my opinion the pinnacle of online console gaming. Nowadays everything is just a watered down COD which itself has been made so simple and basic such that anyone can pick it up and 'pwn'. The clan scene on these games were incredible, I played on the EU side but Socom 2 in it's prime had some 200 clans competing most of who played matches every night. I think the clan I formed probably played over 1000 clan matches over socom 2, 3, CA, Confrontation and 4 just to show how dedicated Socom fans are lol. I still played FIFA with the main people from the clan too.

People who weren't a part of it really missed out. Online gaming just hasn't got the same sense of community that the early Socom games had. I'm not sure a HD remake could ever recreate what it was like then but it'd still absolutely **** on anything that's on offer nowadays. I wouldn't want them to remake Socom 1 and 2 though as it'd split the community and whatnot.

IMO they should take Socom 2's online, make it look as good as possible, fix the glitches / hit detection, stick the Socom 4 in game clan ladder system into it and release it on PSN for 15 bucks or something. Give us some new maps / modes every 3 months and go from there. I know absolutely tons of people who would buy it in an instant, I don't think people appreciate just how many dedicated the core socom 1 / 2 / 3 fans are lol.