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Yep because in 2006 president Bush put a poison pill in medicare to pay off his lobbyist friends and make a attempt at privatizing medicare and the like. He put in medicare part D which makes it so medicare can't bargin for drugs like every other company does. So when you buy a lot of different pills, you can get bulk price but medicare has to pay store shelf price for the prescription and thats half of that money right there. SO TO ALL YOU AWeSOME REPUBLICONS IN HERE. It's a scam and bush did it to line the pockets of the drug companies, along with poison pills in United States post office.

Lets blame the poor, well if every millionaire payed there fair share and actually paid what I pay percentage wise, we would have 7 tillion back right there. Actually if you want to get specific. All you would have to do is let the bush tax cuts expire. 7 Trillion dollars right there.

So lets pick on the poor because you Republicons don't pay your fair share. The best this country did is in the 1950's and we had the highest union perticipation and the rich payed no less then 50% on there tax's. So Get off the poors backs. You know how you are southern boys.

The deregulation of the banks and wall st. crashed us. because they where using your money making risky bets with money they didn't have on the market. WHo did all that, bush did. He pushed all the laws that are crashing medicare, the ecconomy and screwed all of us. So Why are you talking about the poor. The 1% did all this because they knew the U.S. government would not let them fail, They knew that they where to big and can't fail without taking all of us with them. SO why are you talking about the poor again? This site is so full of people that have no clue what they are talking about. WOW!