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NJ5 said:

The guy has (had?) a daughter... If it's suicide, how selfish do you have to be to kill yourself and leave a daughter without a father in this world?

I know first hand that depression is terrible, but I still don't understand how someone in that situation can't get their shit together to think about the ones left in the world after he goes.


Well, It's not really that easy, depression is a disease, not a state of mind or whatever. And alot of the meds against depression has the effect to rather make you feel nothing at all instead of just removing the bad stuff. If you take those meds I can understand that it's very hard to think of others. Then again I hate suicide and I think its a very coward-like way to go.

I wouldn't be suprised if it's a normal overdose though, it's been rumors about him being addicted to heroin in the past and taking alot of sleeping pills and other medication so I wouldn't be surprised if he got careless and took too many, maybe some call that suicide but I don't think it was his main motive.

PSN: TrbSvns.