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Looks like a lot of people have a kart racing game in/near the top 10.

#10) Crash Team Racing (PS/PS3)

I'm not the biggest fan of the fifth generation of video games, (a fact which I have broadcasted on numerous occasions over the course of this list) but there is a handful of games from that period that I still enjoy, namely most of Naughty Dog's output.

CTR contains some (Oh, who am I kidding?) most of the most memorable and well-designed tracks in the history of the genre. It's excellently balanced, infinitely replayable, and it has the best controls of any kart racer I've played in my life. (And the game was made in an era where awkward controls were the norm, no less)

Maybe I'm looking though rose-tinted glasses. But over the years, I've grown to hate just about every other game I grew up with, so I don't think it's just simple nostalgia.