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brendude13 said:
Allfreedom99 said:
brendude13 said:
Allfreedom99 said:

brendude13 said:

I didn't mind Bush too much, although I wouldn't trust him to made a rational decision.

And yes, I think Harry Truman was an idiot for dropping the atom bomb, it's completely innexusable. The only difference between now and 1945 is that other countries now have atom bombs and they wouldn't get away with using them.

And I'll still take any President over any Prime Minister we have in the UK, that's for sure, I like Obama.

And no, I will never "live in the now", everything just keeps getting worse and I will continue to be cynical until it changes back xD

Section 1: Im guessing you have gotten this debate before, so if you have then sorry you have to hear it again. When analyzing Truman's decision to drop the Atomic bombs in Japan you have to make sure to look at the alternatives. If the bombs were never dropped then we have to look at the results. We know that before the bombs Japan was not in a position to surrender. Many of the experts at the time knew to end the war a land invasion into Japan would have been necessary. No peace talks would have been able to end it. Japan was determined to keep the lands they had obtained. The Japanese people are a very determined and very strong willed people. Many of them were also very brave and were willing to die for the cause during War.

A land invasion into Japan at that time would have proved to be an extremely difficult one. The Japanese were tough fighters, and rarely surrendered. Estimates from the time showed that casualties on both sides would have reached into the millions if a land invasion took place. The death toll of the 2 bombs was somewhere between 150 and 250 thousand. Truman had to decide which path he was going to take. Yes, I agree the bombs that were dropped were a devastating tragedy and something that should not have happened if World War 2 would have never taken place. But a leader always has to weigh every option available to him when making a very important decision. Im sure he was surrounded with many experts telling him his options. I truly believe Truman acted on the path he thought would actually save the most lives in the long run. Yes, that is still up for debate, but the other alternative to end the war is a massive land invasion. If the other path would have been taken by Truman then we would all be talking about a much different history, and I think we would have even more lives lost through it. No one wants to see innocent lives lost (except for some mentally disturbed people), but tough decisions are always made in leadership.

Section 2: You are surely entitled to like Obama no doubt,but honestly no president in history has added more debt to our existing debt than President Obama. We are running an annual 1.3 or 1.4 Trillion $ deficit right now. I agree with most that Bush did not help the debt crisis either, but Obama has assuredly made it worse. Besides that I really dont see the man truly leading. He states his opinions yes, but do you really see him out front leading the way? I personally dont. The debt crisis in America is so much more important than many people think. The ludicrous spending must end, or Im afraid there may be no return. I don't want to see whats happening in Greece right now begin happening in America.

What I said doesn't need a reply as long as that, my friend is waiting for me, sorry but I'm not going to read it.

Seems you have been reading too much propaganda, that's all I will say.

Thats fine, you dont have to read it. I just tried to explain to you the tough choices a leader has to make. I dont want to see innocent lives die just as much as you dont, but the alternative could have been worse.

And Im not sure what you mean by propaganda. Do you mean on the Atomic bombs, or Obama?  I am no expert scholar, but I assure you I investigate these topics before I talk about them.

Sorry if I seemed a bit harsh there, I just don't like it when people try to justify the deaths of 250,000 - 500,000 (not sure on the number) innocent people. I find it annoying that when the coversation goes onto the topic of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, all American's (or people who were educated in America) reply with the exact same answer trying to justify why the bombs were dropped. It just stinks of propaganda to me, the American government are making up excuses for such a horrible decision.

The one thing your government doesn't want you to know is that Japan was extremely close to surrender.

The only thing atomic bombs are good for is murdering innocent people, if you want to fight a war, then you target military bases, not populated towns and cities.

I have put your claim in bold. If you are willing to make this claim then you need to give me some facts and some proof on your claims. Do you have recorded documents of their close surrender before the bombs? If this be true show me. I do not intend to mock you, but I want you to show the basis of your claim.