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theprof00 said:

2. there is always going to be skill and work, but that doesn't make them free of luck. I'm never going to agree with you on this one.

3. the story is that I'm sad because of him thinking it's not a vanilla game. The fact you are trying to turn a more detailed explanation into a contradiction is troubling. You are smart enough to know the difference, yet your are trying to use is as evidence. But in case you don't here is a simple lesson. Lets take a look at your point one.

1. You are saying not true to me agreeing with you that him saying something doesn't make it so. That is a contradiction. First you said it. Then you said it wasn't when I agreed with it. Something is then something is not.

Now for an example on more detailed explanation. What I gave was some possibilities that seemed likely to me that would be the case for heph to say what he said and thus make me sad. That was giving you more detail. Now if your that's not true was directed at this instead of the first part of the post it would still be wrong in addition to making no sense. You can say they are bad reasons to be sad, or unlikely possibilities but calling them wrong and disagreeing makes no sense because they are the reasons that I felt the way I did.

So since it's hard for me to think that you are stupid I'm thinking you're more likely scum