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I'm sure you all have them, pressing questions that no Google search can answer. When is that next big franchise sequel coming out? Are they getting rid of that really annoying gameplay mechanic the first one had? The questions are numerous and sometimes unanswered simply because no one has bothered to ask the right people.

I'm here to help.

At my disposal is a network of contacts in the gaming industry, that's part of my job as Editor-in-Chief of the VG Chartz Network: building a relationship with the industry. So here's your chance to get those burning questions answered. Submit questions here and I'll do my best to talk to the people who are in the know.

Some ground rules:

  • Don't ask something insulting. By that, I mean nothing crude or flaming. I'm not going to ask a game designer why their game sucks.
  • Google it first. If you can fairly easily find out with a little internet search, then it would waste the time of people who are spending the time making video games.
  • I am the censor. Ultimately, I'm a human being and I'll be the final judge of what I pass along and ask people.
I'll be answering the questions in this thread, but I'll cherry-pick the best questions and answers to write about on gamrFeed. So let your questions be heard!