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I believe that it is a pretty good idea to end the day finally, and I also find it really funny that I was the only one mentioned by name who was lurking today and yesterday... there were seven players active during that period if we go back to the 25th there were an aditional player who posted more than once... okay... but that does not matter now... if we are lynching SAK today and he turns out to be scum I think everyone who voted for Scottie today looks scummy, same the other way around, also if the one lynched turns up town and then later the other one is scum it has the same effect... the only ones who will look scummy either way if one turns out to be scum are the three people who switched between the two... and finally...what do we do if both turn out to be scum?... oh... and if both are town... we screwed up the start. I demand (lol) that if the one who is lynched today is town we try lynch the other one!

Man... demanding is stressful...