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good to know, anyway, here's the rest of the stuff i found: Please forgive the titling, it's how I remember one post from another.


gnizmo's gambit?
Here Gniz mentions that he's waiting for someone else to offer an "unbiased" opinion on me.

gniz threat
Here, he pretty much threatens me for digging at him. Bascially, 'only scum would persist this much'.

On top of the note that his play dramatically changed from day 1 to day 2 makes me think something is up. It's incredibly hard to get a read on him though as he doesn't think talking helps the town. Similarly to nen-suer who thinks people should only be voted when caught in lies, or investigated..or like scottie who said "because talking helps the town" sarcastically. I find that this is the best evidence I have on Gnizmo, and even then I'd only say he's mildly more suspicious than others.

60% scum



ST: im the same as everyone else
This post caught my eye because it really looked like his defense was, "i did what everyone else did". That came off really badly, but perhaps I'm reading too much into it. If anything it's blatant bandwagoning. Additionally, when he voted no lynch he basically said, "nothing will get majority because I'm voting no lynch". The actual post is something like 'doesn't look like anyone is going to get majority, mostly because vote no lynch'.

15% scum

radish "no old games"
This post by radish struck me as something very town-like to say. I'm not saying he was trying to appear town, but when I think about who radish is, it looks very town. Basically, this quote asks for people to stop quoting old games because he can't keep up. I buy it.

35% town


trucks strange coincidence
"So given the choice to kill Final-Fan, hatmoza, zexen, Hephaestos, theprof00 or nordlead, the Mafia chose Heph. It's possible that there is a reason why he was the unlucky winner of this death lottery other than his record in previous games."

In fact, I don't suspect any of those people. Strange that my suspect would mirror my own opinions.


trucks confirms my list?

another interesting one. In this one, he draws suspicion on people that I have a hard time believing are mafia.


Truck's timing

In the first post, I was still suspicious of scottie. Here Scottie posted, and although Truck's had barely said anything, immediately popped up. It looked like a message mafia-to-mafia.

The second post popped up immediately after Radish made a foolish decision to ask what people the cop should investigate. This completely reminded me of when Homer cleared me a couple games ago by saying, "you're not listening to me! I DO NOT SUSPECT THEPROF AT ALL". Hatmoza and dtewi were the only people that commented on it, while most of town knew not to even whisper it again. Eerily enough, the other person to comment on radishes post was stefl. Keep in mind that both of these players had not posted for a while and then were the first two to comment. Very suspect.

70% mafia



Apart from the above, show here:

There is little I can say about stefl. However, earlier in the game he made a comment about the possibility of an SK that really stood out. He's also been acting carefully, and seems to be "related" to these other players.

25% scum


J0 I already outlined

here's another one for him though:
short answers to long posts, j0 edition

I typically find short, semi-contributive responses to bigger posts as pretending.

40% scum


Sak's lazy vote

incredibly lazy post.

His first post was a lame list of nonsense. Every so often he makes another list of things I completely disagree with. He's not suspicious of anyone that I am, etc etc

sloppy play, looks to be riding the superficial, similarly to j0. Topical comments and not much going on.

60% scum


I'm not going to make any more posts about who I think is innocent with evidence, but I believe that

wonk, zex, hat, radish, nord, and nen are town. My evidence isn't every strong. It's about as strong as the Radish one above. Any of the other players are a conundrum. They play well, and I could see myself getting tricked by people like linkz, vette, etc.


see ya in a bit