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Gnizmo said:

I am a trying person to say the least. I own up it though for whatever that is worth.

The accuracy line I either had explained in an early version of the post, or thought I had explained but my drug riddled brain is seeing something others wouldn't. Essentially you claimed I am some how defending the people in question, which is false. You also falsely assume I am saying lurkers can lurk without any good discussion. This ignores a much better, and obvious reason. Nothing has even happened yet.

All of this is based on you attributing a given thought process, or goal to my posts when in reality I was just refuting the usefulness of the list at this juncture. The information is misleading because it does not have the weight it appears to on the surface. In a few days the list will be a very useful tool, but early on it just spurs people into posting for the sake of posting something which adds nothing at all. Further it helps obfuscate people who are posting for the sake of posting as a play style which typically ends up as a mafia tactic. In other words it scares townies into shifty behavior.

Appearances are also more important than what is actually going on. The appearance of your vote is a revenge vote. Combine this with over analyzing and over justifying every action and you get behavior I have seen mafia players hide behind very often. Whether that is how you play, or because you are mafia we will just have to wait and see.

So over-all I am saying you are jumping to a lot of false conclusions extremely rapidly either intentionally or otherwise. Neither is helpful, and both can be harmful. If you feel that is insulting then thats how it is. I am a very blunt person. I do not bother trying to sugar coat anything I say for the sake of others feelings.

The hatmoza bit is very simple. I believe in patterns. More than once I have used identical tactics to flush out scum. Parroting seemingly innocuous information that in theory could be posted by anyone in a game but always got posted by a mafia member.

I quoted this post again because I wanted to revisit this before the apparent misunderstanding I had.

Silver-Tiger posted a list of three people who had been online and not posted.

You then responded to his list by saying nothing had happened yet. Correct?

It looks like you are defending them, but you say you are not, and that you're simply making a point. Fair enough. However, above you say that the list is useless on day 1, because it spurs people into posting. I would argue that, indeed, that is the point of calling out lurkers, to see how much they are lurking. Some people leave their browsers on, and are honestly AFK, but some are reading everything and then pop up as soon as they're called out, etc.

A couple games ago, hatmoza and dtewi were lurking. Radish was a watcher. On day 2, Radish said: "I do not suspect theprof AT ALL". At the same time I was defending myself against some accusations, and hatmoza and dtewi immediately popped up saying, "Prof, no need to continue defending yourself".

So, calling out lurkers is an important part of the game, especially on day 1, when some newer players (case in point: scottie) are laying low so that they can make it to night and get some direction on what they are supposed to do from scumbuddies.

Additionally, getting people's opinions on topics is very important to getting a feel for alignments. If I don't know how people feel about things, I can't make any judgements. Last game Heph, Nord, MG, and wonk were mafia. I made a list of people who could be mafia, using post analysis. My final list consisted of Heph, Nord, and Kantor, with possibilities on FF and Truck. You can immediately see how important it is to have people posting. MG and wonk were both lurking for a good amount of time aside from some early cursory debate. Posting is important. No matter if nothing has happened, people need to post.... and respond to questions.

Again, and from a different angle.... in the post directly above, you say that the "list" has little weight. However, two of the people on that list were replaced. This would imply that those people had abnormal situations in which they could not post. This would lend credence to the list itself, putting scottie in a category of abnormally non-participatory.

So, maybe you disagree entirely with what I am saying. I won't ever know unless you decide the post is valid enough to respond to. This is the kind of game you have me playing. If you are a townie, you are either drawing a lot of attention to yourself, or myself, and you are going to end up with a mislynch on your hands, I promise you.


with that, I unvote Hat

unvote Hatmoza

and make some F/Hoses

HoS gnizmo
HoS Hatmoza
HoS scottie



I really believe wonk is town. Read his day 1, it's so town it isn't even funny. Also, either you and zexen are townies going after one another for good reason, or one of you is mafia, etc etc. I do not believe zexen is a mafia. I believe he is town. Looking at his wording and tone, it looked like he was really gearing up to play and contribute until he was bogged down. I can't be entirely sure, but I don't see him as scum, and in fact, he is being attacked by all my own suspects. I can't make a decision either way regarding his guilt/innocence, but I think focusing on someone else might be helpful to the cause.

For this, I recommend a lurker lynch today. Most likely scottie, but I'm open to suggestions.