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theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:

I guess there was much less than I had thought, but two posts did jump out at me.
Prof expresses annoyance that Heph is pretty much muting him when asking about his interrogation of Gniz.

Heph's response to that one is even more intriguing, I would say.

As a reference for others: 
It's interesting; however, it didn't fit with posts in which you would be painted as the reason Heph was off'd. Rereading his posts it seems he was a bit on the fence concerning you and Gniz. He did agree with some things you've said, but he also played the "that's just Gniz."


Btw, I don't think you should stop pressuring Gnizmo, but don't get upset about it either. And I mean don't let it carry into real life somehow. If you're not a townie then by all means get upset and slip up! I'm going to have to reread your interaction with more scrutiny, but I don't believe any straight answers have been given. If that's just how Gniz is then it's no indication of alignment, but I'm not a fan of that kind of playstyle either.


theprof00 said:
Gnizmo said:
Linkzmax said:

Are you referring to yourself and prof? How do you know he's a townie?

Yes, and I don't. If he is then the circle jerk of useless posts will end. If he isn't he will pursue his little vendetta and from there the town can figure out what to do about it.

you are so fucking scummy. I'm not leaving you alone. Threaten me all you want.

The reason I brought "Two townies playing grab ass distracts and hides mafia players." up is because it sounded like Gniz was saying definitively that you are a townie. Now he'd either be scum or have a good reason as a townie himself to say that, and since he's now saying you could be scum I'd rule out the latter. I also think his reasoning is backwards: To me a townie would be more likely to put themselves out there and pursue an investigation since they're not worried about people turning attention on the townie themselves. Meanwhile, a mafioso would be more likely to try to throw suspicion on a person so others will pick it up, but would drop it for a better mislynch candidate unless something further comes along.

So I'm left thinking Gniz is quite possibly scum. It's not enough yet for me to want to lynch him, but it certainly merits a FoS: Gnizmo. Like I said, I'm going to have to reread the interaction and then I'll reevaluate my position. I'm with zex though, it's bedtime so the reread will wait 'til I have a chance.

On a final note, if Gnizmo is scum then original comment was either to make himself look like a townie, or possibly to make you both look like townies. Meaning it doesn't convince me either way as to what you are.