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I'm here, too bad I was late, but here's my take.

1. Its funny how gow says people over analyze and then he makes a huge post about everything, ironic.

2. nen is being weird (isn't that normal, though?), zex's right, there is a huge chance of there being 5 mafia, unless there are two night kills for the night, which I doubt. I don't even know why the hell you're debating this? Its a matter of minimal chance that you're right. 

disclaimer: the "you" was meant for "nen"


3. The alliteration here is getting stupid.

4. Metal gear has posted like, 4 times, that have no weight, which is usual, and he is usually scum.

5. Alot of people lurking, or can't make it, but then I shouldn't be the one talking.

6. I would like to vote someone for the first day, since the odds are around 25%, but the votes are all scattered and we'll all never agree to vote one person, unless a major screw up happens.

what did I get from this, not much is goin' on.