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Dallinor said:

Looks like it's losing points for the campaign. Seems like it's short and not very memorable.

Yup - what's funny given the thread is that the reviews are actually pretty consistent so far, falling into two basic bands:

1 - very glowing reviews which note the SP campaign faults but decide that given how important the MP is they'll more or less ignore them

2 - very good reviews which note the same things but chose not to simply give the weaker SP a free pass because it's all about the MP

Personally, if you include SP I believe it should be weighed equally, and hence for me not just Reach but titles like MW2 would lose a point right away on the SP.

As one review I read said, if you love the MP only or that's your focus.  Almost perfect.  If you love SP only or that's your focus your going to be a bit dissapointed and find merely a good game.

Arguing about a Meta of 93 is hilarious though, really.  Given the obvious comparison to Uncharted 2 I'd said the clear focus isn't so much Halo 3 scoring higher but Uncharted 2, the PS3s flagship critical darling (or one of them) scored more on average.

One other thing, I also get the impression from most reviews that a title featuring Master Chief and a more Halo 1/2/3 like campaign, vs what is a more ODST like campaign, would have also garnered higher scores - interesting how the reviewers seem to feel such a difference there.

I'm guessing the first big non-Bungie Halo will be a full Halo 4 featuring the Master Chief.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...