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I laugh because the first thing that came to my mind when I read Nikells post was " I could easily be in the second mafia group." ... I assure you that I'm not mafia (or any anti town faction) but you being open to possibilties like that makes me less suspicious of you.

Because I'm down to my knees in studies I'll make this quick. I have a big test in an hour then it's straight to books after that.

I actually got a good read on Nikells from day one. He's usually scum and is very timid. The way hes acting so far is very pro-town, and I'm not just saying that because he called me out for my love obsession over Khuutra. He seems to be genuine.

@noname. Amazing post, I just wish I had more time to give a fair response to what you had to say but I'll say this.

Even though (at the time) I didn't think much of what I posted about the invisible assassin, my suspicion for F-F skyrocketed through the roof at how quickly he accepted it. I was going to wait til day 2 or after to put pressure on him in hopes we had more info to go on but he's dead and was mafia anyways so good riddance.

As for me not responding and jumping/switching all over MM's case, it's not because I didn't see those posts concerning Khuutra and the possibilies of a cop invetigating him, it's that I didn't disagree with them therefore didn't respond.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson