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WOW, I never expected it to be this close. TBH, it is true that Uncharted 2 looks consistently better throughout the entire game while GOW3 has some environments that are rather bland (yes Hera's garden, I'm looking at you!). That being said (and like many of you have mentioned already), there are certain parts of GOW3 that look too good to be true. I still haven't seen anything quite like the opening boss fight, the entire Hades level or the magnificent Cronos boss fight. These moments in GOW3 make the battle an extremely close one. I guess what it really comes down to is what you prefer: GOW3 is all about the grand scale and jaw dropping moments while Uncharted 2 focuses on the little details, such as the way the snow reacts when you're walking through it, the way Drake's shirt gets wet in the water, etc.