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The game is fun. The core just doesn't get it.

No amount of advertising can push the sales that Just Dance is having. It's an evergreen title, selling 100k+ every week along with Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit Plus. Frankly, I haven't seen many advertisements on this game since January, yet it's still selling. Surely there is something fun about the game that is getting people to buy it.

Game journalists denounce almost all of the big sellers on Wii. For instance... Carnival Games, Deca Sports, and even Wii Play all had horrible metacritic scores but also had the biggest sales on the system. This doesn't mean that most people are stupid and like bad games. It means game journalists and core gamers have vastly different values from the expanded audience that primarily exists on the Wii.

Critics said that Just Dance was shallow and wasn't accurate and fair in tracking the player's score. The expanded audience took the shallowness as an easier game to into. The expanded audience's values are not so centered around "keeping a score" but instead are focused on having fun dancing with friends. For many people, this game was not about progressing through content, but about experiencing the fun of dancing.

The name really says it all... "Just Dance" and none of that other stuff that core gamers love.