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theprof00 said:

nightsurge said:

You don't have any proof at all of that.  You purposely worded it to make it seem like MS was losing money overall.  FUD.

Maybe I did, accidentally. I meant that MS is losing money on the arcade, take it or leave it.


But most likely gaining more than $100 worth of profits over time from that sale and customers.

So buying a product from walmart on a black friday month-long sale will cause more customers to come back and buy other products during the rest of the year? More likely, they will just start shopping at walmart on black fridays.


That's because they were still $400.  When its on a $199 product it has a much bigger impact as is evident by all Walmarts being instantly sold out.

No, it's because the ps3s were a severely limited quantity. The ps3s were also sold out instantly, if you don't remember.


They are getting shoppers in their stores to buy products along with this 360 deal.  If you buy an Arcade for this deal, you'll likely use the giftcard on other products they sell, and keep buying stuff like software, accessories, HDTVs and stuff from Walmart in the future because of this deal.

Whether a black friday sale=continuous purchase is up for debate. Personally I shop at Walmart, and BestBuy on BF, and not at all during the rest of the year. Why should a cost-smart consumer continue to buy full price items when they could then go to gamestop/amazon/others for much cheaper price?

I do have proof of this.  I have 2 of these consoles in my possession.  They have the brand new packaging, HDMI slot, newest power supply, a Manufacturing date of 7/09/2009, a power rating of 12.1A.  And by your own comment, perhaps this was put in place to boost Modern Warfare 2 sales on 360 in the US which it very likely will.

I wasn't saying you don't have proof that they are new. I was saying that you don't have proof that there is no MS deal involved. With a big game in, this is basically giving away a free hugely popular game and something else. It has happened every time. This is strong evidence that the deals are funded by the console companies.

Have any proof that all these products have been discontinued over a year ago?  That laptop, TV, etc were all stopped in production as of a year ago?  Not likely.  Am awaiting your proof of all those deals being nothing but last minute clearances.

Look them up. The tvs were on BF sale last year and two of those serial numbers aren't real. Which is what happens when companies provide refurb products under a new model #.

That was an $80 price cut that launched the 360 to overtake the entire PS3 1.2 million lead for that year and go on to outsell it overall for the year by 800k.  An effective outselling the PS3 by 2 million in 3 months.  That price drop kept the 360 above the PS3 for an entire year in sales and took the lead up to its highest point ever.  I'm so glad you failed so miserably with that link right there!

I'm sorry, I was originally speaking of the 100$ price drop on the elite this past september. Plus, the price drop did not make it outsell the ps3. Christmas did. 360 outsold it the christmas before as well. PS3 has just been far too expensive to be a christmas gift. Additionally price drops are not meant to sell more units, they are meant to maintain sales, which they did over the year before.

Yeah, except the PS2 is still $99, not $79.  And there is only 2 models of the 360 now.  The sales associates can explain to them very easily the difference between the two.  I guess you didn't understand that I was talking about customer who go in without already made their decision on which to buy, or those who have played the console their friends own and want it, which statistically would be more often the 360.

You are right, ps2 is 99$. But you have to understand that I'm not saying that my scenarios is what will happen, it's just a possibility. You seem to have this mentality that I'm being belligerent, but I'm not. I'm just trying to provide a little more complete view on the argument. I agree when you say that the decision is made beforehand, but this allows for a lot of things. Research and the like. Inevitably people who come in will also buy other consoles as well because there is a minimum 10 limit on the availability. They will run out, and then when someone comes in, they may purchase something with a similar price range, spend more on an elite, get a wii, ds... the list goes on.

Oh I am well aware of this personal little battle between Sony and MS, more aware than you it seems.  That's how it is incredibly obvious that the PS3 and Sony is still losing.  They are losing more money on the PS3 while MS is gaining money on the 360.  Sony is losing major marketshare in the living room domination scene while MS is gaining.  This is glaringly obvious when looking at how badly Sony has fallen compared to last gen and how much MS has improved over last gen. Yes the PS3 has seen more sales than the 360 for the last 2 months (YIPPEE END OF THE GEN SONY WINS!!!!111one! /sarcasm), but as you will begin to see starting with the next weeks numbers, the 360 will start to close the gap and the holidays will be about even because the Arcade is the dominant selling HD console when price is the biggest factor.

Like I said, I already know more about this entire situation than you.  You just spouted off everything I already knew, sooo... thanks for wasting everyone's time by doing this rather than actually answering my arguments.... 





Well you wrote something completely different than what I wrote, although my question was "why did xbox enter the VG industry". You mentioned "livingroom" and "profit". This is not their war. MS doesn't care about the livingroom. They don't care about profits on the 360. You ask why I didn't answer your arguments. Because none of those matter, but apparently, correcting you was "wasting your time". I will answer this one though

"but as you will begin to see starting with the next weeks numbers, the 360 will start to close the gap and the holidays will be about even because the Arcade is the dominant selling HD console when price is the biggest factor."

This is one of the only times where I will completely disagree and say no. PS3 will outsell 360 this year.

PC sales are not down all over the board, and neither is their operating system. 

PC sales are down. Operating system is up though because of W7. But I must clarify myself. PC, had it not been for the popularity of consoles, would have much higher sales comparatively.




The PS3 is still losing, I'm sorry.  Sony may keep making strides to replace PC's with a game console, but they'd have to sacrifice their own revenue (Sony PCs, Laptops, HDTV/PC hybrids) so that'd be a real idiotic move.  Also, MS at the same time would keep beating Sony at their own game.  If people switch to a console to replace their PC, it will be an MS console so MS still wins again

That is MS' strategy, yes. And they've lost many billions doing so. Either way, they have both lost money this gen. What you don't understand is that this isn't a zero-sum game. Winning doesn't hinge on the other losing. Both can be succesful, but the war they are fighting is about how potentially successful they COULD BE. MS will not be as successful as they COULD BE, unless they prevent Sony from providing an alternative to PCs. Of course, by having their own console, they are providing an obstacle to Sony AND giving themselves a revenue stream at the same time. This would be a great strategy if they are eventually able to recuperate the 6-10B$ they've lost thus far. As of now, their business is less successful than it COULD BE.


But alas, people are not replacing PC's with consoles just yet.  Especially now that most people want laptops and netbooks for portability.  Maybe next gen we might see this, but not yet, sorry pal

Look at the DS. Facebook and photo editing software, PSP and apple IPods. Each are becoming smaller, cheaper PCs. That is the trend. None of them use MS OS. MS goal is to stop that trend, so yes, they are losing the war.



In closing I would really encourage you to drop the attitude, it's hard enough having be polite for the two of us when I have to listen to your aggressiveness.




And this is why I just wanted to leave it as it was.  I'm tired of trying to prove everything to all these fanboys on here when they never ever accept it.  They just keep changing what they meant or whatever.  I'm leaving this flamebait thread because that is all it ever was.  It's brought out all the flawed reasoning of every fanboy on this site.  And I'm not calling you a fanboy, just so you know.  Maybe you genuinely believe what you are writing, but it still is not correct.

This site is becoming less and less enjoyable..... the mods for one, need to realy crack down on things.  Laterz, guyz.