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Because you've always adjusted in the past, and this site has copped a lot of flak in comments from NPD and from other websites...

It seems to me that apart form the - few - people who visit here regularly and understand what you are trying to do this site is seen overall as a joke.

Saying 'we think our data is better than NPDs' just doesn't sit right with myself - I'm a long time supporter of this site, and I don't believe there is any illegality with using NPD's public numbers - it's the same as the many people on GAF who track NPD numbers only each month.

I understand what you are trying to do, but I still think that NPD should be used as a benchmark for accuracy... 200k is TOO MUCH. I know you don't want to look like you're 'copying' NPD's numbers but its the best way to get closest to the industry accepted number.

NPD does do all of those things and multiplications etc etc but their data source is much better and like I said before, the major companies WOULD NOT subscribe to them unless there is some parity with their own internally tracked numbers.

That's just my 2c I know you're not going to change anything because I don't like the way you're doing it just 'out of the blue' this month (after the whole NPD isn't going to disclose data shenanigans).

You're comment "what is so special this month?" - Come on, can you seriously believe that?