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Okay, I've decided to reformat my harddrive that has windows xp on it and then reinstall it. At this point everytime I log on I get endless numbers of Rundll errors and only a fraction of the lower desktop icons ever load. Now Internet Explorer won't connect to the internet while the other versions work just fine.

I want a fresh start and since all my files are already backed up on the other harddrive...

How exactly would I go about reformatting this windows harddrive step by step? (Like we're talking basic learning how to walk steps)

Also I need to know how to backup my favorite places in Internet Explorer.

So if anyone would be so kind as to walk me through this seemingly "no duh" task, I'd greatly appreciate it. Also, I've done it before but if you could remind me exactly what steps to go through in reinstalling windows, that would be swell too.