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Here's a snippet talking from another post talking about all the exclusives I've played:

  • Uncharted --I hated the Uncharted demo and wrote it off as a bad game for the longest time.  Luckily someone convinced me to give the game a try (and luckily someone else made me pick it back up a year later and actually finish it) since this has been my favorite PS3 game (counting non-exclusives).
  • LBP -- I don't like LBP planet and I put some good effort into it.  It's not that it's bad, it's just once you get past the art style it isn't anything special.  The platforming was usually passable and sometimes even bordered on bad, I hated the SIXAXIS controls being on all the time, and just about every user created level I played was garbage.
  • Killzone 2 -- I hate hate hate *haaaaate* Killzone 2.  I admit, it has some of the best atmosphere I've ever seen in a game.  It does a wonderful job of making you feel like you're just in the middle of shit but the game itself ranged from horrible to bland and had two of the worst boss fights I've ever played (the one fighting the flying thing on the roof and the whole final boss sequence).  I tried the multiplayer and it just wasn't for me since I'm really not a multiplayer person.  Funny enough, most people say that if you didn't like the game it was because you couldn't get the controls-- I got the controls fine (though I didn't like how they handled cover), I just don't like the game.
  • Wipeout HD -- I started downloading the demo last week because someone got me to finally try it and I just phail at the PSN.  I still haven't been able to get it completely downloaded.  XD
  • Flower -- I want to try this, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
  • MGS4 -- I tried twice to get into that game and both times I got past the weapons dealer guy and I just couldn't take the game anymore.   It's not for me.
  • Resistance: Fall of Man -- I was a little tough on this game in the beginning but after playing it completely through, it's not a horrible game.  It's a good throwback to classic FPS games and I can dig that.  That said, I still don't think it's exactly a good game and if it were released today, it would get completely lossed amongst all the better games.
  • Resistsance 2 -- This game took everything I liked about R:FoM and threw it out the window and replaced it with more things I don't like.  This game sucked.
  • Ratchet and Clank -- I tried it and for some reason it just didn't grow on me.  I might try it again one day, but not anytime soon.
  • Eye of Judgment -- What a fucking terrible game.  The eye works if you're in the perfect area, kind of works if you're in a passable area, and flat out doesn't if you're in any kind of normal living room.  Also, this game couldn't be more unbalanced.  If you go first, you're probably going to win.
  • Motorstorm -- Eh, came with my PS3, tried it, went back to Excite Truck.
  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm -- I loved the actual fighting and the art style, I hated the God damn side quests it made you do to progress through the game.  This would have been a great game if it didn't make you do so many pointless redundant side quests.
  • Valkyria Chronicles -- I bought this game and played the first few missions, enjoyed it, and then put it down (I have a bad habit of doing that, even with games I like).  I'll pick it up again one of these days.
  • Buzz -- I played this last weekend with a few people and I loved it!  My only complaint with it was that when doing the user generated questions the only game mode it did was fastest finger.  Sadly, as much as I liked the game, I'll never buy it.  I don't want to buy all the extra controllers and I rarely have enough people over to take advantage of it.
  • Folklore -- Tried the demo and didn't have any want at all to try this game.
  • Heavenly Sword -- Just didn't like this game, but I also don't like God of War.
  • Lair -- Ahahahaha, haha, ha, haaaaa...
  • Demon's Soul -- I'm actually pretty interested in this one, wish I had payed attention to it earlier.