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Well done Soriku the Sony fanatics walked eagerly into your trap. All you needed was someone to spring it on them. I will help you with that.

The Dreamcast sold 10.6 million units and had a production run of two and a half years. Though you can easily ignore the last year due to Sony dominance of the market. So the Dreamcast was probably outperforming the PS3 at this point in its lifespan. Hell the console actually had a successful launch.

Thats right the Dreamcast would probably show up on that chart above the PS3. Given that the PS3 has yet to reach six million globally, and the Dreamcast had a year delay between domestic launch in Japan, and the global launches. Actually the two consoles have so much in common thats it almost like identity theft.

Brilliant Soriku sheer brilliance. You have them bring up the question, and once that happens someone has to point out the similarity. That the PS3 is actually performing poorer then the Dreamcast actually did, and we all know how that story ended. Then someone has to ask is it happening again. Do we have a dead console walking. Following in the footsteps of the Dreamcast.

Brilliant on your part pure brilliance.