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D_Boy said:

@ D_Boy first off your a 20 year old man picking on a 16 year old because he voted you down on a Attractive User thread and becuse of that i feel bad for you

secondly you dont know why i like anime and manga so much i use it to escape my problems even if it only for 30 minutes

third apparently a loser is a person who has lots of friends who are into the same thing im into so if i have to be into cars and going to the gym every day to be cool i woud rather be a loser was a bit of trash talk. I was trying to create a bit of drama...never take what anyone over the internet says seriously...who are they to say anything to you?


can we take that seriously then?

I'm relief this ended up well (appart from D_Boy's ban), when i saw ninjablade replying i feared for the worst (lol) but he responded in kind. There is hope in mankind horray


+ nojustno

- trashleg
- lolita
- TruckOSaurus